Order retreats 2024/2025

Akashavana is a space for dharmacharinis and people who are coming on retreat to be ordained into the dharmacharini wing of the Triratna Buddhist Order (TBO). We are open to bookings from dharmacharinis from a wider diversity of gender identities and ask all those coming here on retreat to be open to a wider definition of a women-centred space. If you are unsure if Akashavana is a good fit for you, please contact the community.

ORDER RETREATS 2024 & 2025

23 September – 14 October 2024

Six Element & Sadhana retreat – Seeing with Proper Wisdom 

led by Maitreyi and Padmasuri

The Six Element and Sadhana retreat is the outcome of a long-standing wish to take these Insight practices deeper in the supremely conducive elemental environment of Akasavana. Both Padmasuri and Maitreyi have led the Six Element practice often on ordination retreats and elsewhere and want to devote a longer period to explore the depths to which the practice can take us; with the loosening of self clinging and an opening to something far more vast and mysterious out of which the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of our sadhana practices can emerge.

We will be introducing different ways of approaching the practice, including some initial study of the Dhatu-Vibhanga sutta, in which the Buddha teaches Pukkusati, to reflect on earth, water, fire, air, space and consciousness, “both internal and external, as it actually is, with proper wisdom,” so that we can bring clear view to our sitting practice. We’ll also be engaging with the mystery of the elements, which in the Tibetan tradition are referred to as the Maha Bhutas, ‘Great Ghosts’ or ‘Great Magical Transformations’ both in sitting practice and in the expansive environment of Akashavana. And each day turning towards the experience of the elements in our bodies and in the universe, and letting go any sense of ownership; out of which can emerge a deep sense of release, freedom and contentment.

There will be periods of full silence on the retreat, time for personal reflection, puja and devotion, options for meditation reviews, and plenty of space for exploring and relaxing into the magical realm of Akashavana and the Mandala of the Five Buddhas.

cost €1,020 (concession rate: €870)

Booking now open for 2025

Calm Insight and Nature Of Mind Retreat
With Vijayamala and Moksanandi

22 September – 13 October 2025

A 3-week Order meditation retreat in the open skies and wild heartscapes of Akashavana

We will be exploring different aspects of calm and Insight meditation, supported by excerpts from texts drawn from the Mahamudra tradition of Tilopa and Milarepa.

An opportunity to go forth and journey into the magical (secret) realm of luminous space. To practice amidst the mountains and wide open vistas where vultures soar in the blue sky; where the air is perfumed with the scent of pines and wild herbs –much like the land where Milarepa sang of the yogi’s joy. In the midst of a mythic dimension deeply enriched by all the women who have been ordained and spent time on retreat at Akashavana.

This retreat will be mostly in silence, with spells of teaching and periods of no input in which we can absorb and take our practice deeper. Supported by devotion and evening ritual as well as the opportunity for meditation reviews.

cost € rates for 2025 tbc

A non refundable/non transferable deposit of €100 or £100 is required to book your space on the retreat. 

contact: [email protected] for booking and information

Vijayamala and Moksanandi were ordained on the same retreat in 1992. They have a friendship spanning more than 40 years and have co-lead many Order retreats together.

Vijayamala has been exploring how to keep meditation alive and relevant for more than 45 years and teaches full time within Triratna since coming back from a 3 year retreat, 12 years ago.  She will be drawing on experience, study and themes that have emerged from her time on long retreat and beyond.

Moksanandi, as well as having a similar engagement with meditation, was part of the search and eventual securing of the Akashavana property with Vajradevi.   She has had a long term interest in Akasavana’s development having been part of the vision team for many years and has a real feel for how strong a support place can be for deepening practice. She also has a flair for engaging ritually with the space.