ethical guidelines

Embodying Values whilst on Retreat at Akashavana

Here at Akashavana we aspire to offer something we consider rare and precious to the women’s wing: living and practising in a celibate environment close to nature, off grid and consciously secluded from worldly distractions.

The facilities here offer a simple way of life in keeping with the practice of going forth.  You will be staying in a remote place living more elementally in rugged and beautiful mountains.  There is spring water for drinking and rain water for washing, and solar generated electricity.  You will live as part of a community of practitioners sharing facilities.

A vital requirement for entering into the spirit of going forth is intelligently letting go of those things that hold us back to make way for ever more creative actions of body, speech and mind.   Below are specific conditions that you agree to uphold when booking onto a retreat.

Maintaining a Celibate Retreat Environment  

All of those on retreat  (retreat team members and retreatants) undertake to support their own and each others practice by abstaining from all forms of sexual activity whilst at Akashavana.

Electronic Communication

All retreatants undertake to fully switch off (not just flight mode) ALL electronic communication devices for the duration of the retreat wherever you may wander.  Such electronic devices include, but are not limited to: mobiles, smart phones, tablets, electronic notebooks, net books, lap tops, MP3 players, etc.  These are  neither helpful nor necessary while on retreat here and  are causes of distraction for oneself and others.

Akashavana is a meat free, alcohol free, and drug and smoke free retreat centre

Whilst at Akashavana, all those on retreat (retreat team members and retreatants) undertake not to consume recreational drugs or alcohol, smoke or eat meat or fish. The standard menu offered is vegan.

Akashavana welcomes all women

Our retreats are open to all women, including trans women.


If you have any questions about any of the above,  please contact the community.

Sabbe satta sukhi hontu
May all beings be well and happy


August 2020